Magazines + Newspapers


9th September 2007

Magazine supplement that came with The News Of The World sunday paper.

Page 27


‘Another nip/tuck? Bring it on!’
Music icon Debbie Harry explains why growing older hasn’t tamed her wild spirit or her lust for love. By John Marrs

With her platinum blonde hair and razor-sharp cheekbones, Blondie singer Debbie Harry was a worldwide pin-up, envied by women and lusted after by men.
Nearly 30 years later, and looking amazing thanks to a facelift, Debbie still has more life in her than your average 62 year old. She lives in New York, where lasting love is proving elusive.
“I’m not desperate for love. I’m not living with anyone and I’m not in just one relationship, I have a couple of very nice ones instead,” she says. “I’m hoping they could evolve into something else one day.”
Debbie says growing older hasn’t destroyed her sex life.
“Sometimes I feel even more sexual now than ever,” she says. “Sex when you’re older is better – well, it depends on who I’m having it with! But it’s very hard as you get older to meet people. I have a great social life, and on a good night I’m up until the early hours. But my idea of dating now is different to when I was in my 20s. Once I’d be looking for something to do every night. Now, I like taking a walk, going to a gallery or a movie.”
Debbie sometimes feels age is catching up with her.
“I have days when I feel lousy and think: ‘Oh no, I’m old’,” she says. “But I’m not unhappy. The rock’n’roll lifestyle would screw me up if I tried it now. I try not to look like a fool. I’m expressing myself the only way I know how, and I’ve been doing this 30 years. I’ve worked for that right.”
Debbie’s named her new album after the opposite sex.
“It’s called Necessary Evil, which I consider men to be!” she says. “I’ve gone through different stages and now I take love seriously. It’s easy to walk away from love because it takes so much effort. But it’s so important.”
Debbie insists she has no regrets about not marrying.
“It wasn’t really for me,” she explains. “I thought marriage vows were really inappropriate. I was ahead of my time – now people write their own. I’ve had sexual relationships with women – but I’m more heterosexual than bisexual. I’ve had a pretty exotic life.”
As for drugs, she says: “I didn’t fall into that trap. Today it’s not such a stigma. In my day being an addict was like being a murderer. I had extreme moments, just not in public.”
Debbie looks a decade younger than her age – partly down to cosmetic surgery.
“I’m fascinated by plastic surgery,” she admits. “I had a facelift four years ago and I didn’t feel ashamed of it for a moment – I was happy with the way I looked afterwards. I’ll have more in the future – if I start tripping over bits of my own body, I’ll go running to the doctor.”
Dozens of singers have been inspired by Debbie. Now she’s competing against them.
“I envy them,” she says. “I see videos and think: ‘I was doing that 30 years ago’. It’s flattering when people compare Gwen Stefani and Madonna to me. But if I hadn’t done it, someone else would have.”

Debbie’s album, Necessary Evil, is released on September 16.

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