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Why Debbie Harry bans Blondie pics



With her platinum blonde hair and cheekbones sharp enough to cut a diamond, Debbie Harry was a style icon of the punk era.

But the Blondie singer says growing old is so traumatic that she bans images of her younger self from her home.

‘It’s horrifying seeing photos of myself from when I was younger,’ says Debbie, who turns 70 in July.

Then and now: Debbie Harrie has banned pictures of her younger self from her home, because they remind her of the fact that she is getting older

‘It makes me realise how old I’ve become. I still get really surprised when I see myself and realise I’m not young any more.

‘Ageing is scary, and it’s particularly hard for women because we depend on our looks so much, especially if you’re in the public eye.’

She adds: ‘I don’t have any photos of myself on the walls at home because I would find that strange . . . that’s where I escape.’


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