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What a pair of Blondies! Old pals and rock chicks Debbie Harry and Courtney Love cuddle up at art gallery opening


By MIKE LARKIN – 15th March 2012

She is one of the most iconic female singers in rock history.

And it seems Courtney Love wanted to pay her respects to the Blondie front woman when she saw her at a show opening at a New York gallery tonight.

The Hole singer sauntered over to her 66-year-old friend and gave her a kiss on the head at the Keith Haring: 1978-1982 opening reception at the Brooklyn Museum.

Dumb Blondies? Debby Harry did not seem overly chuffed when Courtney Love kissed her on the head in New York tonight

But it seems that, while she accepted the peck with grace, she knows she occupies more prestigious place in rock history than her younger fellow blonde.

For her suitably arty ensemble of gold trousers, shoes and red T-shirt was topped of by a jacket that had US Marines staff sergeant stripes on the right sleeve.

But the punk and New Wave star was not ready to pull rank, and was happy to pose with Courtney.

That was despite the People Vs Larry Flynt star looking less than fragrant in a short cream dress.

Rank rotten: It is unlikely members of the US Marines will be pleased Debbie put a staff sergeant ranking badge on her jacket

Heart of Glass acts: Debbie and Courtney have been fixtures of the rock landscape for decades now

But the Heart of Glass star was not the only famous face who was greeted by Kurt Cobain’s widow.

Courtney, 47, was also keen to have a chat with noted artist David LaChapelle, who was one of the other guests of honour.

The fashion and art photographer is still best known to many for his controversial 1995 Kissing Sailors advertisement for Diesel.

The 49-year-old is obviously a fan of the rock singer, as he has previously used her as the subject for a surreal portrait.

Old chums: David LaChapelle has previously used Courtney as a portrait subject for his surreal collections


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