Magazines + Newspapers


July 1990
Volume Six – Number Four


Pages 6, 38, 39

Page 6

Die Young, Stay Pretty. Punk veteran and SPIN swimsuit model Deborah Harry (left) grips ecstatically at the back of her chair, while newcomer Jade 4 U flaunts her new gloves. Summer begins on page 38.

Pages 38 & 39

The Nearest Faraway Place

Summer is a big picture window without glass, the horizon is within your grasp and the beach the nearest faraway place to put your troubles behind you. The beach is the margin between land and sea, where sunbathers bathe and waves, racing to shore, steepen and curl, forming tubes surfers shoot through.
The nearest faraway place may not be a beach at all. It could be an amusement park or the parking lot of a mall, an open fire hydrant or a patch of sunlight on a windowsill. You could be on the 16th green, putting for birdie, or in a hayfield, lying on your back, while a fair-weather cloud rolls by like a big DO NOT DISTURB sign. The nearest faraway place is wherever you find peace of mind and no toxic waste of any kind.

“If I go out into the sun, I need a really strong sunblock because I have light skin, and I burn easily. I’m a very good swimmer, but I don’t like to swim too far out. I make sure I keep the land in sight. I really love to sail. If I could take the summer off, I’d sail around the world with a bunch of people and we’d just laugh the whole time.”

Gold bathing suit by Carolyne Roehm.
Hair and makeup: Colin Booker/Vartalli.
Photo by Berbard Belair. Styling by Grayson Riley.

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