Magazines + Newspapers

Record Mirror

29th December 1979
Pages 3, 16, 17, 18.


Paula’s Awards
Written by Paula Yates

The Woman’s Duty Award For Young Ladies: to that dear young thing, Miss Debbie Harry who was reported to have spent one interview preparing a snack of milk and cookies for her boyfriend Chris Stein and remarking: “This is the real me, I’m a housewife.” So you see, despite all that blonde hair and lipstick some people’s thigh boots haven’t gone to their heads.

1980 colour calendar center pages 16 & 17 – Illustration by Ivor Sexton.


Deb’s delight

I HAVE just read another article where a girl singer has to fight off comparisons with Debbie Harry. As a female I find this infuriating. Why does every girl singer have to bear this? Why isn’t every male vocalist compared to Mick Jagger then? Apart from Geldof there isn’t anyone like him. But when you think about it, there ain’t anyone like ol’ Debs either so why is every female constantly compared to her? I just can’t see the logic. Come on lads, stop this form of prejudice and take everyone on face value.
Sandra Betts, Aylesbury.

Who’d want to be like Debbie Harry?

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