Magazines + Newspapers


22nd September 1979 – No. 820
Pages 15, 18, 19.


In between recording their latest album, Debbie Harry and Chris Stein have been busy decorating their new flat.
“We’ve had our flat for over six months now,” Debbie told us, “but we just haven’t had the time to do anything to it.
“When we eventually did have some time recently, Chris and I went on mad dashes around the carpet, fabric and paint stores to get what we wanted, and then spent days up to our eyes in emulsion.
“If we hadn’t done it at that time, then it wouldn’t have been finished for ages as our work schedule for the next year is very tight. The trouble is,” she went on, “I really need a holiday now to get over the decorating – it’s much harder work than singing and recording!”

Blondie colour center pages 18 & 19

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